Tone and Shape your Legs With These Exercises.



Some EXERCISES you can USE to get gorgeous legs are featured:
1. The Lunge

The Lunge is one of the best exercises you can perform to work the leg muscles. It trains your glutes, thighs, and hamstrings. When performing the lunge, you will not only strengthen and tone your legs, but you will also improve your balance and gain core strength.

Note: You can add weights to make the movement more challenging over time.

1} To start, stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Place your hands on your hips, pull your shoulders back and look straight ahead.

 2} Take a controlled step forward with your right leg. Keeping your torso straight and your weight on your heels. Lower your body until both your front and back legs form a 90-degree angle. Pause, then bring your right leg back to the starting position. Follow the same procedure for your left leg.

2. Side lunge

If you're anything like most women, the inner thighs are your trouble spots. The side lunge does just that - toning and strengthening the hard to reach inner thigh muscles. And these muscles are also critical in hip stability and preventing running injuries.

1}To start, stand tall with your feet together. Place your hands on your hips or grab some weights and hold them by your sides. Take a nice big and controlled step to the left with your left leg. Make sure to land flat on your foot.
 2}Keeping your chest up and the weight in your heels, push your hips back, bend your right knee and lower your body until your right leg is almost parallel to the floor and your right knee is directly over your ankle. Your left leg should stay straight throughout the entire movement. Pause, then bring your right leg back to the starting position. Step sideways and alternate legs in order to balance exercise.

3. Dumbbell RDL

This move targets the muscles of your hamstrings, glutes and lower back. It's the perfect exercise to get rid of cellulite at the back of your legs and give your backside the toned, smooth look.

1} Grab a pair of dumbbells with an overhand grip and hold them at the arm's length in front of your thighs. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
 2} Without changing the bend in your knees, bend at your hips and lower your torso until it's almost parallel to the floor. Pause, then raise your torso back to the starting position. Repeat 10-12 times for 3 sets.

4. Cycling 

Cycling is a good way to lose unwanted fat in the body. Steady cycling can burn approximately 500 calories per hour. If you cycle for 30 minutes everyday, you would lose approximately 26 pounds of fat in a year.

Striving for strong and sleek legs, then try cycling. Riding a bike, either in the form of an outdoor or a stationary bike, helps your legs in a number of ways. Cycling strengthens by building muscles in both your upper and lower legs. 

According to "Shape" magazine, the statement that bike riding gives you bulky muscles or big thighs are untrue. In fact, biking helps develop legs that are not only strong but sleek and shapely as well.

In Trinidad the majority of cyclists are men, ladies have you noticed that regardless of age and ethinicity, they all have fabulous well-defined legs?

Why not join them and get on the path to a healthier version of you.

This table illustrates the Calories burned within an hour of such activity.

The exercises illustrated above are a selection of exercises women can use to develop more toned and shapely legs.

Ladies... just keep moving....

Women regardless of their size and shape can strive to achieve that 'well-toned'look!

                         THEY COME IN ALL SHAPES AND SIZES!





  1. Very informative, will try these out.

  2. Also what can you recommend for people with scoliosis and posture improvements thank you.

    1. First and foremost,consult your doctor before engaging in any exercise program,especially if you have been diagnosed with Scoliosis. It should be noted that Scoliosis has varying degrees,hence the reason for consulting your Doctor. Scoliosis affects the ability of the central nervous system to help muscles contract and shorten. Therefore basic stretching exercises maybe more appropriate (Yoga,upward and downward dog,BASIC), a stretching program,beginner's level can also be beneficial,core strengthening exercises are acceptable also,under supervision. With reference to "posture improvement", a holistic approach should be considered,meaning, a full body workout program that targets all the major muscle groups.

  3. I have heard many persons saying that 'squatting' is an excellent exercise. It good for your legs and butt. Some say its the one exercise you could do anywhere and get good results. Some even say you can get away with this alone and still reap the rewards, what do you think?

    1. Squats are one of few exercises that utilizes all the major muscle groups,quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, lower back, upper back, abdominals(core) etc. All muscles must work together to achieve structural integrity in order to perform the perfect squat. Squats, don't do without it.

  4. Love this article!!! Will use this information while instructing my fitness class!


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