(1)Q: How many calories are there in one pound of fat ?

     A: There are 3,500 calories in one pound of fat.

(2)Q: What is the recommended amount of weight loss that is safe per month ?

     A: If you are following a proper weight loss diet, 8 to 10 lbs is considered safe.

(3)Q: What is a safe amount of weight to lose within a week ?

     A: With adjustments to your daily caloric intake, and individual can expect to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week, providing you utilize more calories than you consume.

(4)Q: What are the best cardio exercises for weight loss ?

     A: The list of cardio exercises are extensive, however, here are a few that work exceptionally well:

    (1) Walking: Burns 300-400 calories per hour
    (2) Cycling: Burns approximately 600-700 calories per hour
    (3) Swimming: Burns approximately 600+ calories per hour
    (4) Jumping rope: Burns over 1000 calories per hour
    (5) HIIT High Intensity Interval Training

(5)Q: What are the best healthy fats/essential fats to consume daily ?

     A: Some of the best healthy fats one should consume on a daily basis are:

    (1) Avocados
    (2) Butter/Grass Fed
    (3) Coconut Oil
    (4) Extra Virgin Olive Oil


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