About The Blog

This Fitness blog re: Women’s Fitness was decided upon because of my exposure in the Fitness field for over two decades and owing to the many issues I personally have seen women encounter. As a certified personal trainer (now retired) I wish to share some of my knowledge and experiences and therefore bring the literature to the forefront to help ladies in coping with such challenges. The blog will cover various aspects of women's health and fitness; challenges faced, dietary needs, exercise guides and tips, diet guides, etc.

Native to Trinidad and Tobago, some local elements will be included in my posts.

My tagline-Just keep moving- implies to get in some form of physical activity. Just keep moving: such as walking more briskly, running, dancing, swimming, taking the staircase, doing home chores with greater vigour, etc. It therefore served as an all-encompassing word “to just engage in activities that will improve your overall health and well-being”.


  1. I really enjoyed this blog as it identified all the contributing factors that would allow us women to make us healthy/ healthier.


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