Spin classes have grown in popularity in Trinidad & Tobago over the last decade.

 A spin workout is an excellent way to burn calories and relieve stress.
To do the workout you need access to a stationary bike, which has various tension levels. 
The bike will also track your progress, so that you are motivated to continue and accomplish your fitness goals. 

There are numerous benefits to a Spin workout:

# Burn Calories
A spin class workout of 45 minutes may allow you to burn approximately 500 calories. Of course, the amount of calories you burn will depend on the intensity of your workout. 

Adjust your bike according to the intensity you desire.

#Build Muscle Tone
It helps you build some muscle tone. 
The focus is on the core muscles, as well as the buttocks and thighs. 
You can adjust the tension on the bike up or down which mirrors like riding up and down hill.

While you pedal, you will work your thighs and calves. If you maintain the correct position on the bike, you will also work on your abdominal muscles. 

By increasing the intensity you are likely to burn fat. If you pedal slower and have a higher tension, you will work your muscles.

#Increased Cardio Endurance
By doing regular spinning classes, you will build increased cardio endurance. 

#Low Impact Exercise
There is no pressure on knees and joints, as compared to running or aerobics. 

#Relieve Stress
All forms of exercise may relieve stress. Spin classes are usually done in groups so it also allows you the opportunity to socialize and meet new people.
The classes are usually led by a spin instructor who will help encourage and motivate you throughout the workout. 

It is usually also accompanied by music which further makes the class more exciting

#Reduced Risks of Injury
While running and jogging may present a high risk of injury, a spinning class is less likely to cause any injuries. Note: stretch prior to the class, so that you don't pull any muscles.

# Ability to adjust the Tension
The stationary bike will have adjustable tensions, which you can change during the class. The spin instructor usually guide you when to adjust or you can go at your own pace and abilities

#Track Your Progress
Most stationary bikes will have devices attached which will help you track the amount of calories you burn, your mileage and even your pulse

There are numerous gyms/ spin studios throughout Trinidad and Tobago that offer spin classes.
Ladies can't make it to the gym for a spin class, well invest in a spin bike and work out at home.   Just keep moving...


  1. I have personally seen persons who have dropped tons of weight doing spin classes. My concern is would I be able to keep up even with a beginner class if I have been out of fitness activities for a while. Seems pretty intense.

  2. I love spin, wish I can do it, but I have a back injury might be too stressful for me


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