Women's guide to a Leaner Body


  1. I'm not quite sure how starvation eventually makes you more fat? Can't I starve myself and get close to the weight I want to fast track and after that eat more sensibly and healthy and then maintain that weight loss?

    1. The human body was designed to survive,therefore when you starve yourself to lose weight you are sending a message to your body that it's dying. Further,your insulin levels decrease and your body begins to store fat in order to survive(Fat is your body's reserved energy).The body will breakdown muscle tissue to provide it with the necessary protein and energy needed to endure the starvation,hence the reason for a flabby body after a starvation diet,valuable muscle tissue was lost not fat. ;-)

  2. i think from a woman's perspective there needs to be an alignment in her mental framework and physical health being that women are more emotional. Generalising women's issues and outcomes should be adhered to with an individual component.

    1. Agreed,however,science is science,so generalizing women's issues is common in relation to fitness and dieting. The individual component will be, a fitness program designed for a woman along with a nutritional plan tailored for her. :-)

  3. i think from a woman's perspective there needs to be an alignment in her mental framework and physical health being that women are more emotional. Generalising women's issues and outcomes should be adhered to with an individual component.

  4. I remember when I was younger I would starve myself for maybe a week or two to look good for an event. I use to lose weight fast, or water or something, but after I crossed a certain age the pounds harder to drop off , why oh why is this?

  5. I agree with reducing or eliminating SUGAR from your diet. I see some Trinidadians from the morning they washing down their breakfast with a soft drink, that''s Unnecessary sugar, then lunch time they have a bottled juice, more sugar and I suppose when they go home dinner with tea and some more sugar. And a snack somewhere in between in the day , I'm sure with added sugar. Sugar wreaks havoc on the body, start drinking tea without sugar and then continue to reduce bit by bit. SUGAR IS TOXIC!

  6. Great post definitely pointed me in the right direction


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